Disclosure § 5 ECG and § 25 Mediengesetz

Media Owner: VergabeNavi GmbH

FN 551184s

Prinz Eugen-Straße 16/1/6

1040 Wien

+43 677 640 396 16

Place of Jurisdiction: Vienna
VAT: ATU76615913

Business Purpose: Consulting including business organisation

Managing Director: Miglena Doneva-Doncheff

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The information and representations on this website are for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal information or legal advice. ause of the information does not give rise to any liablity claim against VergabeNavi.

Applicable Professional Regulations: General Terms and Conditions of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce

Supervisory Authority (acc. ECG): Chamber of Commerce - IT and Consulting

Design and Fotos: Ing. Franz-Christoph Sulzmann, LL.M. (WU)